Terrorists defiled Rachel’s Tomb, Judaism’s third-holiest site, amidst riots following the killing of three wanted terrorists in the Jenin refugee camp.

Palestinian Arab terrorists desecrated Rachel’s Tomb on Sunday, injuring two border policemen in the process. Both suffered light to moderate injuries.

Arabs from the village of Al Aida, next to the tomb, hurled an improvised explosive device (IED) and firebombs at the policemen, who responded with riot dispersal gear.

The IDF reported in mid-2013 that about 200 firebombs and 90 IEDs were thrown at the compound over a six-month period.

The riots followed the murder of three wanted terrorists in the Jenin refugee camp on the 10th anniversary of the targeted killing of Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh urged more riots and unprovoked attacks. That same day, Israeli parliamentarians and Jerusalem-based journalists,including the United with Israel staff writer, received cyber threats of violence in Yassin’s memory.

“We call on our brothers in the West Bank to continue with the brave resistance that started in Jenin. We in Gaza will support you,” he said.

Arabs Violate UN Resolution 194 while Demanding its Implementation

According to the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan, Rachel’s Tomb was to be part of an internationally administered zone of Jerusalem. On December 11, 1948, during the Israeli War of Independence, the UN General Assembly passed Resolution 194, which called for free access to all holy places in Israel and Jordan. When an armistice agreement was signed a month later, the Jordanians refused to allow Israelis entry to Rachel’s Tomb as well as to other holy sites, including the Western Wall.

Indeed, to this day, Jews suffer profound discrimination at the Temple Mount, which has remained under control of the Jordanian Muslim Trust.

During the 1967 Six Day War, Israel restored Rachel’s Tomb under Jewish sovereignty. Discriminating against Jewish pilgrims at their holy site constitutes a violation of UN resolution 194, which is the same resolution dealing with Jewish and Arab refugees.

Bond Between Jews and Rachel’s Tomb Goes Back Thousands of Years

The Tomb of Rachel is Judaism’s third-holiest site. Jews have been making pilgrimage there for more than 3,000 years.

According to Jewish tradition, the first person to pray at Rachel’s Tomb was her eldest son Joseph. He was only seven years old when his mother died. When he was 17 his brothers sold him into slavery. As he was being carried away, he ran to his mother’s grave and cried to her: “Mother, my mother who gave birth to me, wake up, arise and see my suffering.”

“Do not fear,” he heard his mother answer. “Go with them, and God will be with you.”

Centuries later, the Jews would be exiled from their country, led out by way of the road beside Rachel’s Tomb. Rachel, weeping for her children, refused to be comforted.

God reassured her:

“Refrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for there is reward for your work, says the Lord, and they shall come back from the land of the enemy. And there is hope for your future, says the Lord, and the children shall return to their own border.” (Jeremiah 31:15-16)

Rachel’s Tomb is a powerful symbol of God’s promise to return her children to the Land Of Israel. Rachel’s Tomb has become a center of prayer, learning and joy.

Author: David Fink, contributor, United with Israel
Date: Mar. 25, 2014