BDS supporters. (Wikipedia)
BDS supporters.

A new video explores the rise of anti-Israel activity on college campuses and examines when reasonable criticism of Israel “crosses the line” into anti-Semitism.

'BDS proponents have no interest in promoting peace in the region.' (Shutterstock)

‘BDS proponents have no interest in promoting peace in the region.’ (Shutterstock)

A simple google search will confirm that anti-Israel activities on North American university campuses have skyrocketed this year and are increasingly “Crossing the Line” into anti-Semitism. Students report being emotionally and intellectually abused, intimidated, threatened and bullied by their fellow students. They also claim that they are being harassed by some professors to the point that they are afraid to express views in class that could be seen as pro-Israel.

There have been student senates holding votes on boycott and divestment, where pro-Israel voices are drowned out; swastikas on campus Jewish buildings; and even arrests of pro-Israel students for speaking at student body meetings. Jewish students walking to class, many of whom have had little Israel-related education, are regularly confronted with demonstrations (brought to campus by well-organized national groups) to proclaim Israel a Nazi, apartheid or genocidal rogue state.

The Anti-Defamation League reports a 114% increase in anti-Israel events on campus in 2014. During the fall 2014 semester, the Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC) tracked 759 anti-Israel events at colleges and universities nationwide.

This was the impetus that compelled Jerusalem U to produce Crossing the Line 2: The New Face of Anti-Semitism on Campus, which explores the rise of anti-Israel activity on college campuses and examines when reasonable criticism of Israel “crosses the line” into anti-Semitism.

Watch the video: