(AP/Mel Evans)
(AP/Mel Evans)

Democratic Senator Robert Menendez (NJ) gave a very powerful enlightened speech on the senate floor this week in which he express his support for Israel in no uncertain terms.

In response to Obama’s recent assertion that the Holocaust is the reason for Israel’s existence, Senator Menendez stated, “But let’s be very clear: while the Holocaust has a central role in Israel’s identity, it is not the reason behind its founding and it is not the main justification for its existence.”

The speech explained a brief history of the modern State of Israel and touched on many of the main reasons that Israel is clearly a beacon of light in the darkness of the Islamic Middle East as well as a truly important ally to America.

Israel is very proud to have friends and supporters like Senator Menendez who are not afraid to speak up against the Anti-Semitism and Israel bashing that has become so common in our world.