(Photo: Issam Rimawi/Flash 90)

Top PA security adviser Tawfiq Tirawi demands an end to any security cooperation with Israel, calling instead for renewed violence in order to destroy the Jewish state.

Tawfiq Tirawi, senior security adviser to Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, has called on the PA to abandon joint Palestinian-Israeli security arrangements.

Tirawi made this statement on Sunday in an interview with Dunya Al-Watan, reports Israel National News. It was not the first time that Tirawi demanded an end to security coordination with Israel; on several occasions, he slammed the peace negotiations and called for an end to the Jewish state.


Tirawi advocates for the “one-state solution,” replacing Israel with a bi-national state of “Palestine.”

When the Fatah-Hamas unity deal was signed, which in effect put the final nail on the coffin of the U.S.-brokered peace talks, Tirawi called for a return to armed struggle.

As documented by Palestinian Media Watch, Tirawi declared that Fatah, which is headed by Abbas and is the ruling party in the PA, has “not cast down the rifle and have not let go of the rife. The rifle is here!”

Calling Fatah a “national liberation movement,” he said that peace talks were merely a means to an end, meaning the destruction of the State of Israel.

“Tirawi criticized the stated decision by PA leadership several years ago to pursue peace talks as the only option, calling this a great mistake and saying the talks should have been labeled as just one of several means of operations,” INN says.

Regarding joint PA-Israeli security arrangements, senior PA security officials acknowledged last Thursday that they were “on the brink of collapse,” following the violent Arab protests on Nakba Day, commemorating the “catastrophe” of the establishment of the State of Israel, INN reports.