With today's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announcement that Iran has fulfilled its initial obligations under the nuclear deal, Iran gains billions of dollars in sanctions relief from the US and Europe.
Senior atomic experts believe that Iran had been covering up evidence of nuclear development prior to signing the nuclear deal with the six global nations.
The Obama administration seems to be changing its story regarding the deal with Iran. Contrary to earlier statements, they now say the Parchin military site is not nuclear.
Israel and US lawmakers responded in fury to the exposed IAEA deal that allow Iran to inspect its own nuclear sites, calling the agreement “remarkably naive and incredibly reckless."
Under the inspection protocols developed with the IAEA, Iran has the right to vet nuclear inspectors and to refuse entry into the country, the deputy foreign minister said.
Iran threatened the International Atomic Energy Agency head with harm if he reveals the contents of their secret agreement, which, Congress fears, could be inadequate in preventing Tehran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
As Iran and the P5+1 nations work feverishly to finalize a nuclear agreement, Prime Minister Netanyahu continues to warn against a bad and dangerous deal.
As it negotiates over its nuclear program with the P5+1 nations, Iran remains steadfast in its refusal to allow international inspectors access to suspected nuclear sites.
Iran and the P5+1 continue to disagree on the facts of the framework deal regarding Tehran's nuclear program. They are aiming for a final agreement by June 30.
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