Why did Abraham ask for advice regarding fulfilling God’s commandment? When Abraham approach his friends Aner and Eshkol, telling them that God commanded him to circumcise himself, they counseled him against it. They told him he that he was too old for such a surgery. Then Abraham went to his friend Mamrei and asked him... Read more »

The "brit milah," or "covenant of circumcision", is a Jewish religious male circumcision ceremony performed on the eighth day of a baby boy’s life.

Let us explore the complicated and controversial question of “Who’s a Jew?” First, it would be worthwhile to understand what the word "Jew" means.

It is explained that often, leading by example is even better than training others. As they say, “If you want something done, then do it yourself!”

Abraham tried to influence others to believe in God and live a moral life. But he knew that in order to influence people, they have to be able to relate to you.