
At a 15-hour event, top thinkers will create innovative solutions to help Australia face its wildfire epidemic.

By United with Israel Staff

As Australia continues to fight brush-fires that have devastated wildlife, homes, and the environment, Israel has arranged a hackathon to brainstorm solutions to help the ravished country. The event will start January 30 at 6 p.m and conclude the next day at 9 a.m.

The 15-hour hackathon will bring together experienced professionals and programmers in order to create workable solutions for the many problems facing Australia due to the fires.

The event was initiated by Appleseeds Academy, an Israeli non-profit that promotes digital equality in the areas of technology and employment, and the Kinneret Innovation Center, an entrepreneurial community and innovation hub for agriculture and food technology solutions, and Impact Innovation Israel.

The gathering, called “Israeli Tech Eco-system Tackling the Challenges of Australian Bush-fires All-Night Hackathon” (hashtag: #StandWithAUS), has places for 150 participants specializing in water treatment, emergency infrastructures, telecom, energy, tourism, air-pollution, and wildlife and animal rescue.

The organizers will present participants with a number of challenges, including how best to treat water polluted with flame retardants and ash, preventing online fundraising fraud, and encouraging tourism to the fire-ravaged country.

Thousands of homes have been lost in Australia along with many lives from brush-fires that began in September. Additionally, it is estimated that 480 million animals have been killed along with rare plant species.

In attendance will be members of the search and rescue brigade of the Israeli army and representatives from the tech and water industries, according to the organizers’ statement.

Winners of the hackathon will be announced on Jan. 31.