Sky News

The Board of Deputies of British Jews (BDBJ) met with executives of the UK’s Sky News to discuss the broadcaster’s skewed coverage of the recent wave of violence in Israel.

According to the UK’s Jewish Chronicle on Tuesday, BDBJ chief executive Gillian Merron said that during the meeting, he and other Board leaders addressed the issue of headlines often minimizing violence against Israelis, and expressed concerns in the Jewish community in Britain about media reports often failing to mention the context of anti-Jewish incitement.

BDBJ and Sky News agreed that Board leaders and the broadcaster’s Middle East reporters would meet to allay concerns about media bias and strengthen ties between the two organizations, the JC reported. Merron said BDBJ welcomes ongoing contact with Sky News, to guarantee “impartial, well-informed and balanced coverage.”

Sky News head John Ryley added, “I believe that Sky’s reporting has striven to be the best possible in a complex and fast-moving situation. I acknowledge the need to ensure that our coverage provides the full context at all times.”

By: The Algemeiner