UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon (L) and Palestinian PM Rami Hamdallah at a joint press conference in Ramallah in July. (Photo: Issam Rimawi/Flash90)
UN and Palestinian

The Israel Law Center is protesting the UN decision to award a Palestinian group closely linked to terrorism. 

Last week its peacekeeping force fled the Golan Heights and sought sanctuary in Israel, leaving ISIS and the Al Nusra Front in control of the Syrian buffer zone; its schools in Gaza were used to hide caches of Hamas missiles during last month’s war with Israel; and now the UN has awarded a prestigious award to a Palestinian organization closely linked to a violent terrorist group

The news that the UN’s 2014 Equator Prize is to be awarded to the Palestinian Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) for its work in Gaza has been met with dismay by many in Israel as the UAWC is closely affiliated to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a violent terror organization that has committed a series of atrocities in Israel over the last four decades.

Racing against time, an appeal lodged by Shurat HaDin (Israel Law Center) has been sent to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, urging that the prize, due to be awarded as soon as Monday, September 22, be rescinded. Many in Israel view the UN as a joke – but this is surely one sick joke too far.

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