You see it every day.

Around the world and in even the most repressive nations, people are expressing themselves powerfully via social media. United with Israel realizes this and has quickly become the leader for Israel using social media.

We are already well over 1Million friends on Facebook alone!

In the pro-Israel world, nothing measures up to United with Israel in terms of the number of people we reach and the diversity of the member population. No other pro-Israel organization is doing anything even remotely close to this.

And, we are just getting started!

The fact is, if ordinary people in the Arab world and in the former Soviet Union can use social media as the basis for radical change, we can certainly use it to advocate for Israel. And, we see that it is a great tool to move activism very quickly. It is simple and fast.

Twitter has taken central stage in the last few years acting as a proxy media source for networks and individuals who did not otherwise have access into nations that severely restrict freedom of speech. Twitter became the on-the-spot, moment-by-moment, all-at-once reporting mechanism.

Twitter feeds by @UniteWithIsrael and mentioning @UniteWithIsrael will help bring awareness and coordinate pro-Israel advocacy. We have great plans to encourage pro-Israel activists and leaders to use our platform on behalf of Israel in effective and dynamic ways.

Further, we will be able to sync our growing social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, mobile apps, LinkedIn, etc.) to better direct attention to important causes around the world. Don’t worry, you will not see the same thing on every platform. Each will have it’s own personality and focus, but will be able to dynamically target important advocacy causes for Israel very, very quickly.

United with Israel has a commitment to allow our advocates to be our leaders. We have no aim to give orders from the top on what to do. We want to facilitate and empower our advocates for Israel to lead and make a difference!

Go ahead …

Tweet your support for Israel right now by starting with this hashtag#iUniteWithIsraelwhen … and end with our Twitter name – @UnitewithIsrael

Here’s an example:

Sample Tweet @unitewithisrael

#iUniteWithIsraelwhen I speak the truth about #Israel. @UnitewithIsrael“.

@UniteWithIsrael Twitter Page

Now, come up with your own reason! And, go HERE to see what others have already said.

Psssst, don’t forget to follow us –