
Three bills passed in first reading ban operation of UNWRA within Israel, label the group a terror organization, and strip its personnel of immunity, respectively.

By Ben Rappaport, United with Israel

The Israeli Knesset on Monday passed in first reading a string of bills that push back against the influence of UNWRA – the “United Nations Work and Relief Agency” – in Israel. The three bills propose Israel bans the operation of UNWRA within its territory, labels the group a terrorist organization and cuts ties with it, and strips its personnel of immunity, respectively.

The first bill advanced with 58 MKs for and 8 against.

The explanatory notes to the bill state, “Since it has been proven to the State of Israel that UNRWA and its employees participate and are involved in terrorist activity against Israel, it is proposed to determine that Israel will work to stop all of the agency’s activities within its territory.”​

Likud MK Boaz Bismuth, a sponsor of the bill, said, “UNRWA employees worked hand in hand with Hamas in the cruel massacre that took place on that ‘Black Sabbath.’ UNRWA terrorists murdered, raped and kidnapped Israelis, and assisted in the conveyance of the murder weapons​.”

“UNRWA was established in 1949 to provide a solution to the problem of Palestinian refugees, but all it has done since [its inception] is perpetuate the refugee [status of Palestinians], rather than rehabilitate the refugee. It has used the vast resources that were placed at its disposal for terrorist activity against Israel.”

New Hope – United Right MK Sharren Haskel said, “When I realized that UNRWA was actually a cornerstone of the Arab conflict here in the Land of Israel, I already understood that a change was needed.”

“UNRWA perpetuates the refugee status and passes it on as inheritance. Why? Because it is a very lucrative business. Everyone in the world would want to have their apartment and sewage system funded. Their education system teaches the children radical Islam and racism. The conception begins here in Israel, in UNRWA.”

“We must realize that a parallel organization and other alternatives must be found, and this must be expressed in a clear and definitive manner to the international community,” she said.

The second bill advanced with 50 MKs for and 10 against. It proposes to declare UNWRA a terrorist organization, and calls on the State of Israel to sever its relations with UNRWA, both directly and indirectly.

The explanatory notes to the bill read, “In the months after the outbreak of the Swords of Iron war, investigative reports were revealed regarding the involvement of the workers of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in the Gaza Strip in the murderous terrorist offensive that began on October 7, 2023, such as participation in acts of murder and massacre, kidnapping Israeli citizens to the Gaza Strip and providing vehicles and equipment for the purpose of the offensive. Reports were also published regarding the membership of these workers in the Hamas and Islamic Jihad organizations.”

“The above attests to the close relationship that exists between UNRWA and terrorist activity for all intents and purposes, in a manner that is no different from the activity of organizations that have been declared as terrorist organizations by law. Therefore, it is proposed to declare that UNRWA is a terrorist organization as defined in the Counter-Terrorism Law, 2016.”

Yisrael Beitenu MK Yulia Malinovsky, a sponsor of the bill, said, “We have to perform a surgical [cut] here and end the event. We are on the UN’s blacklist in any case. All the excessive morality ended on October 7. UNRWA is a terrorist organization, and not only in Jerusalem. It is a fifth column within the State of Israel. And not just municipal property tax benefits—everything should be revoked from them. The fact that this hasn’t happened until now, for seven months—is a disgrace.”

“What is happening today is a badge of honor for the Knesset and for the Members of Knesset,” she added. “The fact that we succeeded in joining hands, coalition and opposition—that is a very important statement for the Government. We did a wonderful job together with all the partners to these bills.”

The third bill advanced with a vote of 63 MKs for and 6 against.

The bill proposes to stipulate that the United Nations Immunities and Privileges Ordinance, 1947, will not apply to UNRWA, its officials or people employed on its behalf. It is further proposed that the Foreign Minister repeal the order instructing that this immunity be granted.

The explanatory notes to the bill state, “Currently, by force of the United Nations Immunities and Privileges Ordinance, 1947, the Foreign Minister is authorized to determine, in an order, that the United Nations, its officials and people who are employed as emissaries on its behalf will enjoy immunities and privileges. Among the immunities and privileges: Immunity from prosecution and legal action; immunity of official archives and offices; and an exemption or discount on certain taxes and municipal property taxes.”

“Given UNRWA’s involvement in terrorist activity against the State of Israel, it is unfitting to grant the agency and its workers immunity from prosecution in the State of Israel. Therefore, it is proposed to exclude the agency, its assets and those who operate on its behalf from the application of the order, and to instruct the Foreign Minister to establish this in an order.”

Yesh Atid MK Ron Katz, a sponsor of the bill, explained, “At the end of the day, right under our noses sits an organization that, according to intelligence reports and proven evidence, is, for all intents and purposes, a terror organization, and took part in the most dreadful event our country has ever known; an organization that entered the country, kidnapped, murdered and hid hostages – and we are living with this in peace. Not only that, millions are being transferred to the organization on behalf of the State of Israel [through an exemption from] municipal property taxes.

“This organization, which sits on vast lands, does not pay a shekel to the State of Israel,” he said.

The bills will now be returned to the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee for further deliberation.