(Hillel Maeir/TPS)
Talia Friedman

Talia Friedman was one of 232 North American Jews who arrived in Israel to make it their new home.

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman’s daughter made Aliyah (immigrated) to Israel, along with 232 other immigrants from North America brought on a special flight chartered by Nefesh B’Nefesh.

Talia Friedman, a nurse in her 20s, boarded a flight in New York on Monday and landed in Tel Aviv early on Tuesday

Friedman greeted his daughter Talia on the tarmac to welcome her to her new home.

“We’re so proud of our daughter Talia,” Friedman told Arutz Sheva. “She’s always wanted to live in Israel and she’s realizing her dream and the whole family is just very proud of her and we’re here to just greet her and to give her a hug and to wish her hatzlacha rabba [great success] here in Israel. We’re very excited.”

When asked what his daughter’s plans were, Friedman said she would likely continue to work as a nurse, but was unsure of where she would live.

The flight’s other newcomers include a diverse mix of people from 19 US states and two Canadian provinces, including 21 families, 75 children, 6 sets of twins and 26 medical professionals.

Also among the passengers were 68 young men and women who will volunteer in the IDF after becoming Israeli citizens. They are moving as “lone soldiers,” a term for those who leave their families abroad to move to Israel and volunteer for the IDF. There are currently 1,000 lone soldiers from the US and 3,000 lone soldiers from around the world serving in the IDF.

A special welcome ceremony was held at Ben Gurion Airport upon the flight’s arrival and the newcomers were greeted by Members of Knesset, Mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat, Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel Natan Sharansky, Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau and many other dignitaries.

Friedman is not the only member of US President Donald Trump’s team to have children arriving in Israel this month. Jason Greenblatt, Trump’s special representative for international negotiations tweeted on Sunday that his triplets are headed to the Jewish state for a gap year program of Jewish studies, the Times of Israel reported.

Some 2,000 Jews are expected to immigrate to Israel this summer and make it their new home, through Nefesh B’Nefesh.

Founded in 2002, Nefesh B’Nefesh is dedicated to revitalizing Aliyah from North America and the UK by removing or minimizing the financial, professional, logistical and social obstacles of Aliyah.

The support and comprehensive social services provided by Nefesh B’Nefesh to  over 50,000 newcomers has ensured that 90 percent of its Olim have remained in Israel.

By: United with Israel Staff