(AP/Denis Poroy)
Israeli technology sports

Israeli technology presentations in New York and San Francisco were arranged by the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry and the Israel Export Institute. Teams from all four major American sports leagues attended, along with companies and investors involved with sports media.

A number of top American sports teams recently sent representatives to scout the latest sensors and video technologies created by Israeli tech companies, The Times of Israel reported Thursday.

The technology presentations in New York and San Francisco were arranged by the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry and the Israel Export Institute. Teams from all four major American sports leagues attended, along with companies and investors involved with sports media. Among the organizations represented were the Golden State Warriors, the San Francisco 49ers, the Los Angeles Dodgers, Twitter, HTC, and Sony.

“The hundreds of meetings scheduled in advance for the Israeli companies are the best evidence of the power of innovation of Israeli industry. It was a great success,” Gili Ovadia, the Economy Ministry’s trade representative to the U.S. West Coast, told the Times.

Among the companies showcased were FanPassTick, which matches season ticket holders who won’t be attending a particular game with fans who want to attend that game at a discounted price, helping teams more easily fill stadiums; Minute, whose technology can automatically generate highlights from the video of a complete game; and Motionize, which has created sensors to provide a real-time virtual coach for athletes in multiple sports.

The presentation to the sports teams was one of several such meetings set up by the trade ministry with companies in different sectors of the economy, Israeli trade representative Nili Shalev explained. “The delegation of sports technology companies was a wonderful opportunity for us to showcase Israeli innovation and to create business opportunities in one of the hottest and most popular fields in the world.”

American teams and sports media have already successfully adopted advanced Israeli technology. Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban has invested in Israeli 3D video pioneer Replay Technologies, which was bought by Intel earlier this year. Cuban has introduced the technology at American Airlines Center, where the Mavericks play.

By: TheTower.org