
Hunger in Israel is real, and it’s getting worse because of COVID-19. Fruit and vegetable store owner Varda shares what she is seeing in her community.

Sometimes we don’t need to wait for government reports to know what’s happening in our society. For instance, when the owner of a fruit and vegetable store in southern Israel says that her customers are buying half of the produce they used to purchase before the corona crisis, we know that there’s a problem.

That’s precisely what Varda, the owner of a food store in Dimona, a city in southern Israel, tells us. After 20 years in business, Varda told Israel365 News that due to the crisis, her customers are buying roughly half the produce that they used to purchase. That’s because many have lost their jobs or businesses due to government-mandated lockdowns and restrictions.

“They buy less. It’s not the same quantity anymore,” Varda laments. “For example, people who used to buy four kilos of potatoes now purchase only two.”

As someone who understands the food crisis in Israel, Varda donates her excess produce to Meir Panim.

Meir Panim is a charitable organization that provides food to Israel’s needy in their signature restaurant-style soup kitchens. The food bank has recently experienced an influx of new clientele as the corona crisis has sent Israel’s unemployment numbers to all-time highs. And as much as Varda’s contribution is appreciated, it’s not enough for the millions of Israelis who have fallen below the poverty line to enjoy a basic meal.

For those people, Meir Panim is now turning to friends of Israel. They’re turning to people like you. That’s because this holy organization operates from contributions given by private donors…just like you.

Any funds that you can contribute will go directly to the efforts of feeding a hungry person in Israel.

No child in the Jewish State should have to go to bed hungry. This is your chance to ensure that doesn’t happen.

Donate to Meir Panim today.