
The moment we had been all waiting for finally arrived!

2022 Dream Raffle Winner Assaf Cohen

2022 Dream Raffle Winner Assaf Cohen

On Sunday, January 1, 2023, at 7:00pm Israel time, the 5th annual Dream Raffle drawing was held inside the magnificent Jerusalem apartment.

Following a fantastic musical performance by singing sensation Ari Goldwag, and some fun facts about the raffle with Am Yisrael Chai founder Shmuel Sackett and radio personality Menachem Toker, it was time for the drawing.

And the winner is…

Ticket Number 70629003

Asaf Cohen from Shavei Darom, Israel!

A video of the drawing can be seen here.

If you are having trouble with the player, try this link:

Three of the previous four Dream Raffle winners were United with Israel members! The winner of last year’s raffle was UWI member Michael Cohen from San Diego, California.

Next year, YOU may be the winner!

L’Shana HaBaa B’Yerushalayim – Next Year in Jerusalem!

You can watch highlights of last year’s Dream Raffle drawing right here.