
German neo-Nazi Udo Voigt, a member of the European parliament, was part of a delegation voicing support for Hezbollah’s war against the “American-Zionist project.”

On March 16, Al-Manar,  a Lebanese satellite television station affiliated with Hezbollah, aired a report about a recent visit to Beirut by a delegation from the Alliance for Freedom and Peace (APF), a far-right European political party, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

The European Union regards the military wing of Hezbollah as a terror organization, and Britain recently branded its political branch as a terrorist entity.

The delegation included parliamentarians and activists from Britain, Italy, Belgium, Germany and Croatia, and was received by Hezbollah’s foreign affairs chief, Ammar Al-Moussawi, according to the report. Among the far-right European representatives speaking in the Al-Manar video is Udo Voigt, a member of Germany’s neo-Nazi National Democratic Party (NPD).

Members of the delegation voiced support for Hezbollah’s fight against the “American-Zionist project.”