
The Ministry of Culture and Sport is gearing up for a spectacular celebration of Israel’s 70th anniversary based on the themes of heritage and innovation.

This coming April, the Jewish State will celebrate its 70th year of independence with many exciting events leading up to the milestone date.

Yossi Sharabi, director-general of the Ministry of Culture and Sport, explains that the focus of this year’s festivities will be the creativity of the State of Israel – well-know for its startups and innovation – and the traditions and history of the Jewish People and the Land of Israel.

Galit Wahba Shasho, the ministry’s director of culture, describes the amazing plans for the occasion, including fireworks, music, dancing as well as meaningful programs reenacting the thrilling date of May 14, 1948, when the State of Israel declared independence.

For those who can, a trip to Israel to join the festivities would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. However, some events will be shared worldwide. Everyone is welcome to celebrate, from near and far!

Watch the video and start looking forward to a fantastic tribute to the State of Israel!