
Author and commentator Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of a Hamas co-founder, in a debate with Young Turks founder Cenk Uygur slammed the notion that Israel can make peace with Hamas.

“Hamas is worse than Nazi ideology,” Yousef said. “The Allies did not negotiate with the Nazis – they killed millions of Nazis and destroyed Germany, and this is how we eventually got global peace.”

“What Hamas did on October 7 was barbaric, a genocide motivated by sick religion. They attempted to ethnically cleanse a race. This is a capital crime that cannot be forgiven,” he continued.

“A situation to legitimize such a movement and sit with them at a negotiating table, then reward them with a state and political and financial gain – is exactly what they want.”

“I don’t think there is a way around eradicating Hamas and removing them from power,” he said.