
After five years of IDF humanitarian missions in Syria, an Israeli medic gives a first-hand account of the life-saving care he provided.

Over the course of Syria’s bloody civil war, the IDF used “Operation Good Neighbor” to provide medical services to more than 7,000 injured Syrians, in addition to humanitarian aid for thousands more.

While the numbers are staggering–22 generators, 40 vehicles, 281,798 gallons of fuel, 646 temporary housing units, over 1,740 tons of food, 48,933 boxes of baby formula, 8,173 packages of diapers, 350 tons of clothing, and 14,000 hygienic products–nothing does justice to this tremendous effort like the testimony of one of the medics who provided care.

This is the story of 21-year-old Staff Sargent Bar, a medic who saw the “best and the worst of humanity” in Syria while he provided care to the innocent victims of Syria’s civil war.