
Forty-four years after Operation Entebbe, one of the most successful rescue operations in history, Dr. Iddo Netanyahu provides fascinating information about the daring expedition and his heroic brother, who led it and lost his life.

In the wee hours of July 4, 1976, in one of the boldest rescue missions the world has ever seen, the Israel Defense Forces carried out “Operation Thunderbolt,” aka “Operation Entebbe” and “Operation Yonatan,” freeing 102 hostages from Palestinian terrorists at the airport in Uganda.

Three hostages, along with unit commander Lt.-Col. Yonatan (Jonathan) Netanyahu, who led the operation and is the brother of the Israeli prime minister, did not survive.

In this video, Nagrela Editores, which translated into Spanish The Letters of Jonathan Netanyahu, and Spanish-based organization Centro Sefarad-Israel talk to Dr. Iddo Netanyahu, who provides fascinating background information about the operation and his brother, its courageous commander.