
Ari Abramowitz of The Land of Israel Fellowship provided a hopeful take on reports that Iran might attack Israel on the ninth of Av, a day of national tragedy for the Jewish People.

He likened Iran’s reported plot to that of Haman’s plot, related in the Book of Esther, to wipe out the Jewish People during the month of Adar, believing the month to be one of poor tidings for the Jews.

“Just like Haman before them, the Ayatollahs don’t see the whole picture,” Abramowitz said. “They don’t know the ancient Jewish tradition that the month of Av will one day become a time of great joy and celebration.”

“What the Ayatollahs don’t realize is that the genocide they’re planning against us will be the catalyst of our redemption. And just as Haman was hung on the very gallows he erected for Mordechai, their murderous plot will be their own undoing.”