Have you always wanted to have take part in Startup Nation’s incredible success?
One of the names Israel is most well-known for is “Startup Nation.”
And with thousands of Israeli companies producing cutting-edge and revolutionary innovation, who wouldn’t want to be a part of it?
Well, now thanks to one Israeli company you can! ExitValley is working to ensure that everyone can have the chance to invest in Israel’s promising startups. Watch and find out how!
Send 'Warm Winter' Care Packages to Israeli Soldiers - They are Cold!
We are honored to thank the young men and women of the IDF who risk their lives every day to defend the citizens of Israel.
Join us in sending winter care packages and personal notes of support to Israeli soldiers who are out in the cold all day.
Warm up a soldier's heart with essential winter wear including fleece jackets. Keep an entire unit warm by ordering 10 packages... The soldiers truly appreciate your love and concern!