
A beautiful photo exhibition featuring the eternal Jewish capital of Jerusalem is the perfect response to anti-Israel UN Resolution 2334.

The Knesset Education Committee last week held the inauguration of “Jerusalem Now & Forever,” a photo exhibition celebrating the 50th year of the reunification of Jerusalem in June 1967.

The exhibition features the work of renowned photographer Sharon Gabay, capturing the beauty, diversity and tolerance of the Holy City. It will be displayed in the Knesset over the next two week, and will then be shown in 50 capitals around the world.

The exhibition is the initiative of Israel’s largest grassroots Zionist movement, Im Tirtzu, whose name translates to “If you will it,” a term coined by Zionist visionary Theodor Herzl. According to the organization, the exhibition will serve not only as a tribute to the city, but also as a response to those who attack Israeli sovereignty over the united Jewish capital.

Members of Knesset from across the political spectrum attended the exhibition.

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