
Activist Charlie Kirk didn’t mince words when a Jewish Israeli student learning at University of Washington asked Kirk how he should deal with antisemitic death threats that he experienced on campus, after his complaints to authorities fell on deaf ears.

“I would learn how to defend yourself,” Kirk responded. “Life is tough. I appreciate you going to the police and to the president, but they’re not going to protect you. It’s hunting season for Jews right now in this country – that’s a sick thing.”

“Take a UFC course, put on 15 pounds of muscle, carry bear spray, and next time they get in your face, say, ‘What did you say to me?’ Because no one is going to come and defend you right now.”

“You need to get tougher and fight through it,” he added. “Look, your people are very tough, you’ve been through a lot, but it’s a sad state of affairs that that’s what America has come to.”