(Dana Shraga/Ministry of Defense)

Israel’s defense minister put the terrorist organization on notice that any lull in Israel’s pursuit of Hamas attributed to the holiday season is now over.

By: United with Israel Staff

“The holidays are over,” tweeted Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman on Thursday.

The post referred to the Jewish High Holiday Season, when the Jewish people celebrate the new year, the Day of Atonement, and Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles) and Israelis enjoy several weeks of festive days and family time.

The tweet was an explicit message to the leaders of the Hamas terror group that Israel is prepared to go to war over the violent riots on the Gaza border, rocket attacks, and persistent airborne arson assaults, which have set ablaze thousands of acres of Israeli land, causing millions of dollars in damage.

Just this week, an airborne Palestinian incendiary terror device landed all the way in central Israel.

“We’ve been through the High Holidays exactly as we planned, without a flare-up and by exacting a heavy price on the rioters along the Gaza border,” Liberman tweeted.

“The holidays are over, and I say to the heads of Hamas: ‘Take that into account,’” Liberman concluded.

To that end, Liberman this week put the Israel Defense Forces on high alert on the Gaza border, instructing the military to maintain “maximum preparedness for any scenario,” his office reported.

On Thursday, the army also communicated that it had deployed additional troops to the Gaza region, in addition to positioning Iron Dome air defense batteries in Israel’s south.