
Palestinian Media Watch exposes how the Palestinian Authority continues to demonize Israelis to its youth.

On a Palestinian Authority TV children’s program known as The Best Home, the host told children that Israel killed their former leader Yasser Arafat along with “many of our people.”

“They killed Yasser Arafat, because until his final breath he defended the children of his people in war and in peace, diplomatically and also with a rifle, with a weapon.”

Watch this outrageous claim yourself to understand what Israel is actually dealing with when attempting restart peace talks with the Palestinians.

Sign the Petition to Stop Funding the Palestinian Authority

Petition to the United States and European Union

We demand that all funding of the PA be stopped immediately. The brutal murder of Israelis committed by Palestinian terrorists throughout Israel is the latest result of ongoing PA incitement against Israeli citizens. Funding the PA means funding terror.

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