
In what Israeli leaders have called a “historic mistake” for the world, the P5+1 powers including the US have signed a nuclear deal with Iran, an agreement which President Obama believes will prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons. 

In his address announcing the nuclear deal, Obama explains that this deal is based on verification, not trust. He then sings the virtues of the deal before adding that he will veto any legislation that blocks the deal from going forward.

There is a major uproar over the deal, with many fearing that this deal will absolutely lead to a nuclear Iran. Unfortunately, we may not have to wait long to find out.

Sign the Petition to Stop a Nuclear Iran

The US Congress must ensure that sanctions against Iran remain in force until the nuclear threat is completely eliminated.

I strongly oppose easing sanctions before the nuclear threat from Iran has been eliminated. Allowing Iran to enrich uranium without being subject to 'anytime, anywhere' inspections is extremely dangerous and unacceptable. Iran's nuclear program must be stopped.

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