
What plans do Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar have for their upcoming trip to “Palestine,’ where they’ll likely meet with their Palestinian pro-terror allies, including the notorious Tamimi family?

Janna Tamimi, who goes by the name Janna Jihad, is a cousin of IDF-slapping Palestinian celebrity Ahed Tamimi. “Like big cousin Ahed, Janna has been groomed as a young Palestinian propaganda star by serial child exploiters Bassem Tamimi and his wife,” Israellycool reports.

The Tamimi family is known for spreading anti-Israel propaganda around the world, promoting terror and indoctrinating children with hate. Born in the US and now based in the village of Nabi Saleh near Ramallah, Janna, who is only 13 and very articulate, speaks fluent English and Arabic and is likely the world’s youngest journalist. She recently went on a speaking tour in the US, organized by anti-Israel groups.

In this video, she interviews anti-Israel, pro-BDS Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, who makes it clear what her agenda is.

Who will Tlaib and Ilhan Omar meet on their upcoming visit to “Palestine”?

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