
Who would oppose a bill condemning Jew-hatred? A group of pro-Palestinian activists at the University of California – Berkeley, that’s who.

On Tuesday evening, the student government at the University of California – Berkeley’s was scheduled to vote on a bill condemning anti-Semitic incidents on campus, a hotbed for radicalism.

Instead of joining in the chorus of condemnation for religiously-motivated hate, pro-Palestinian activists tried to shut down the proceedings, hurling abuse at the bill’s supporters.

Berkeley sophomore Maya Reuven summed up the climate on campus in a letter to the school’s newspaper, explaining, “It’s hard to feel completely safe as a Jewish person anymore. I find myself second-guessing attending the concerts of Israeli artists, and I never sit by the street window during Shabbat dinners at Chabad. Watching security pile up at the Jewish spaces I call home breaks my heart.”