
What does it take for the media to correct their biased, anti-Israel reporting?

A young policewoman was taken from this world in the prime of her life as she guarded the Old City of Jerusalem, during the Jewish Sabbath, from terrorists like the one who stabbed her to death.

One might think that would be enough to send her family, friends and the nation she protected into inconsolable grief. Some mainstream media, however, have a unique way of adding to that pain.

With headlines like, “Three Palestinians killed after deadly stabbing in Jerusalem,” some prominent news outlets made a victim out of a terrorist, while erasing the real victim, 23-year-old Hadas Malka, from the story.

Watch as Daniel Pomerantz, senior editor for media watchdog HonestReporting, demonstrates how this only happens to Israelis and what it takes to get a correction and apology from these “journalists.”