
Hundreds of animals are burnt alive because of Hamas’ terror. Help us give them a voice. The world must know! Hamas’ “kites of terror” must stop!

Hamas has been sending incendiary kites and balloons over the border on a daily basis, burning thousands of acres of land.

This has not only caused serious damage to the land, but has also harmed innocent wildlife – birds, turtles, deer, and other animals. They are either killed or driven out of their native habitats.

Most recently, Hamas shamelessly abused a falcon by harnessing incendiary materials to it and sening it toward Israel.

The animals are the silent victims nobody talks about. Help us give them a voice. The world must know! Hamas’ “kites of terror” must stop!

Silent victims of Hamas terror

They are the silent victims nobody talks about. Hundreds of animals are burnt alive because of Hamas terror. Help us give them a voice. The world must know! Hamas' 'kites of terror' must stop! —> Israel needs to hear your voice now. Call for an END to Hamas terror at

Posted by The Israel Project on Tuesday, July 17, 2018