
For gold-winning champion Noam Gershony, the sky is the limit. Not even a debilitating helicopter crash could stop him.

Lt. Noam Gershony, a former IDF pilot, was critically wounded in a helicopter crash during the 2006 Lebanon War.

Noam was hospitalized for six months and began a long and difficult rehabilitation process. Despite the life-changing trauma and hardships, he chose to look at the half full glass and set new goals for himself.

His visits to Tel Aviv’s Beit Halochem, the IDF’s Disabled Veterans Organization, brought him to the tennis court, which rekindled an old love he had for the game and gave him the necessary framework for this activity. Under the professional guidance of the Israeli National Team’s coach, he began training regularly, explains the American Friends of Beit Halochem.

A great patriot, Gershony was moved to tears upon winning the Gold Medal at the 2012 London Paralympic Games, saying he had never thought he would have the opportunity to bring such pride and honor to the State of Israel.

Watch this video for some powerful inspiration. You, too, will be moved to tears.