
At the dedication of a Torah scroll in memory of the murdered Salomon family members, the community of Halamish sang the Israel national anthem, defying terrorists hoping to drive them away from the biblical heartland of the Jewish people.

On July 21, 2017, Palestinian terrorist Omar al-Abed barged into a home in Neve Tzuf (Halamish), a Jewish community in the Binyamin region, and fatally stabbed Yosef Salomon, 70, and his children Chaya Salomon, 46, and Elad Salomon, 36. Yosef’s wife Tova, 68, was seriously wounded.

The brutal attack occurred as the family was gathered around the table for a festive Sabbath meal and to celebrate the birth of a new grandson.

On Sunday evening in Neve Tzuf’s central synagogue, the community gathered for the dedication of a Torah scroll, donated by a Jew from abroad in memory of the slain family members, Arutz-7 reported. He also wished to convey to future generations a message about the eternity of the Jewish people.

Yisrael Ganz, deputy chairman of the Binyamin Regional Council, expressed his hope that “this Torah scroll will be a sign, a symbol and an example of the Torah of life that beats in the hearts of all of us, and of the memory of the murdered family members,” Arutz-7 said.

In this video, the gathering sings Hatikvah (‘The Hope’), the Israeli national anthem, demonstrating their faith and determination not to succumb to terror.

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