
If you truly care about justice, equality, freedom and human rights, you should care about what is happening today at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel explains.

Ever since last Friday, when three Israeli-Arab terrorists murdered two Druze police officers in a horrific attack on the Temple Mount, world attention has been focused on the site.

What is really going on in Jerusalem? Why are the Palestinians and the Waqf – the Islamic Trust that has exercised administrative control over the holy site since June 1967 – protesting over the installation of metal detectors as a security precaution?

Should Jews and, for that matter, all non-Muslims be prohibited from praying there?

Watch the video and learn the truth about the situation at Judaism’s holiest site.

(Note: Regarding terms used in the video, the Kotel is the Western Wall, a mikvah is a ritual bath, the “Three Weeks” and the “Nine Days” are the annual commemoration of the events leading up to the destruction of the Holy Temples on the Hebrew date of Tisha b’Av, and the 25th day of Tammuz was the Hebrew date on Wednesday, when Gimpel visited the site.)