
Former Member of Knesset Rabbi Dov Lipman explains why are commanded to give food gifts to one another and extra charity on Purim.

On Purim, we celebrate the annulment of the decree of the evil Haman, who was second to King Achashverosh in ancient Persia, to annihilate the entire Jewish People.

There are four special mitzvot (commandments) to fulfill on Purim: Mishloach Manot (giving food gifts to one another), Matanot L’Evyonim (charity to the poor), listening to the public reading of Megilat Esther (the Scroll of Esther), and Seudat Purim – the festive Purim feast.

Why do we have a special mitzvah of giving food gifts and charity on Purim – especially since we give charity all year round? The answer is very inspiring!