United with Israel

We Can Stop the Holocaust

The current situation that we find ourselves in is war. That means a side must be chosen and action must be taken.

It has become very clear that the anti-Semites are done with hiding their true feelings. Liberal sentiments toward the Jews are gone. It really doesn’t matter what Israel does to benefit the world. Every week, I see a new article showing how Israel is combating cancer and Ebola, providing safe energy solutions and even treating animals. The world does not care. If you’re looking to feed your anti-Semitic views, there is enough poison for you to feed on.

Blame the Temple Mount Activists

So let’s look at the current reason for so much hatred against Israel. It’s not really about peace plans, or whatever other stories are being manufactured. It’s about the Temple Mount. Specifically, it’s about the Jewish right to pray in what Judaism calls the holiest site in the entire world. What’s the problem? Arabs are “hurt” when Jews pray on the Temple Mount.

What’s being done about the hurt feelings of the Arabs? Abbas is calling for violence. He is calling to prevent the Jews from praying on the Temple Mount by any means necessary. How dare the Jews try and pray at their holiest site! It offends the Muslims.

When Rabbi Yehuda Glick was severely wounded by a terrorist, the Arab world praised his would-be killer. And what was the response from the media world? He’s a right-wing Jewish activist. You could say he had it coming.

Media Bias? No, Anti-Semitism!

I wouldn’t want to whitewash the mass media. There are outlets who report the news accurately. Then there are outlets like the BBC. Take a look at their article describing the recent terrorist attack in Jerusalem:

“Driver hits pedestrians in East Jerusalem,” the headline reads. By stating that a driver hit pedestrians, one could mistakenly think that it was a car accident. Saying it happened in “East Jerusalem” implies that Palestinians were harmed. But coming from the BBC, it’s not surprising.

The bias in the article continues, of course. The murderer is an active member of Hamas. Hamas has even praised this latest act of terror. But the article avoids using the term “terrorist.. That might imply the murderer is a bad guy.

There are other issues in the article I could address, but you can see them for yourselves.

Hamas Murders their own Children

Here’s another issue I’ve been eager to address. I’ve argued with people who claim that the IDF murders Palestinian children. One common example involves an incident where four Palestinian kids were murdered by a supposedly deliberate rocket attack by the IDF. The IDF was even foolish enough to accept responsibility for the incident. And I even believed it and felt shame for it.

That’s when I read the first account from a Palestinian activist who analyzed the event for himself. Using the pictures and video footage available, he discovered that it was actually Hamas who murdered the children. NOT THE IDF!

And he wasn’t the only one. Of course his realization evoked zero response in the media. None. Israel is branded as child murderers.

Where are the Voices of Support?

I would like to address the inspiring work of David Draiman, lead singer of Disturbed and Device. I’m very proud to say that I’m a huge fan of his music, and now even more so for his words. As United with Israel has addressed a couple of times in articles, David Draiman is a powerful supporter of Israel. He lends his incredible voice to thoughtful, intelligent commentaries that both defend Israel and pulverize our harshest critics. There should be more celebrities doing the same. Where are the voices in support of Israel?

Who can forget the ALS ice bucket challenge that was a craze during the summer months? It may have been forgotten by many, but Israel is actively working to cure the terrible disease. In fact, they are close to succeeding.

As mentioned earlier, cancer development has seen tremendous advancements with the involvement of Israel. Israel is currently helping California through the worse drought they’ve ever experienced. Israelis have come up with a solution for world hunger. Israel is working on developing flying cars. And the list goes on and on.

Who is Good? Who is Evil?

I’ve told you what Israel is doing to benefit the world. Let’s look at our “peace” partners.

Mahmoud Abbas is actively inciting violence against the Jewish people. By the way, he’s president of the Palestinian Authority. He’s also the guy who called the would-be murderer of Yehuda Glick a martyr. And now Hamas is celebrating the recent terrorist attack.

Jews are dying, but the media only has sympathy for the murderers. Generally speaking.

This situation is insane! Canada was the victim of two terror attacks recently. Israel is experiencing terrorists throwing stones, cars hitting people, firework attacks and much more. The Islamic State terrorists are murdering everyone they can get hold of, torturing children, raping women and forcing them into slavery, torturing and murdering Christians and even murdering their own people. Hamas is building more terror tunnels and abusing the citizens in Gaza.

Who is good? Anyone with the slightest hint of morality can see who is evil. And if you can’t see who is good, that’s just because it’s hard to get over deep-rooted anti-Semitism.

Where Do You Fit In?

So where do you fit in, in the grand scheme of things?

If you’re reading this, it means you are most likely a supporter of Israel. That’s awesome.

There are many people out there who only know about Israel through the media. If the media has a bias against Israel, as it clearly does, those people are led to believe that Israel is evil.

So we need you to stand up and shout for Israel. The situation is becoming critical. I’m not asking you to get up on podiums and speak out on behalf of Israel. That would be good too. But you can act in more simple ways. You can SHARE articles from United with Israel. You can support products from Israel. You can boycott companies that are anti-Israel. You can support pro-Israel organizations like United with Israel financially. There is even a Jerusalem Declaration that I strongly encourage you to sign. Jerusalem is a foundation of Judaism. It is the capital city of Israel. It is our eternal city to build in and to live in.

We are all a part of this now, because the world is heading towards a new Holocaust. We cannot let this happen. Through one simple action, you can save the lives of thousands of Jews, if not many more. It’s time to speak out. Silence here means death. It’s that simple.

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Antisemitism, anti-Israel bias and boycotts are out of control. Israel's enemies are inciting terror and violence against innocent Israelis and Jews around the world. Help us fight back!


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