
The weekly Torah portion of “Korach” (Numbers 16:1–18:32) is named after the #1 Jewish rabble rouser of all time.

Korach, a Levite, was consumed with jealousy over his cousins Moses and Aaron getting the top jobs, leaving him with no glory or honor.

He stirs up 250 people to join him in a revolt. Moses proves that the appointments were all from God and the ground swallows up Korach and his followers, gone without a trace.

We all know the expression “2 Jews, 3 opinions.” It’s true that arguments play a big role in Jewish tradition, but not all of them are “bad.”

Rabbi Enkin’s class examines Korach’s evil power struggle with Moses and other destructive Jewish fights, but also explores some “good” Jewish arguments throughout the ages.

No arguments about the quality of this webinar – and that’s fact – not opinion – so be sure to watch!