United with Israel

WEBINAR: Curse the Jews? The Nation of Israel is Eternally Blessed

Priestly blessing

Jewish worshipers wrap themselves in prayer shawls during the priestly blessing at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. (Hadas Parush/Flash90)

Rabbi Enkin begins with the weekly Torah portion, Balak, (Numbers 22:2 – 25:9), in which we read how Balaam tried so hard to curse the Jews but just couldn’t do it.

Why did he keep failing? Because of the promise in Genesis 12:3. You can’t curse the Jews! The Jews are eternally blessed by God Himself.

Those who bless the Jews will themselves be blessed….

And those who curse the Jews will not only fail but will be eradicated and transformed into nothing more than a footnote of history.

This webinar explores Genesis 12:3 throughout history, showing which nations merited the blessing and which merited the curse of God’s wrath.

Join us for a fascinating presentation of past, present and future. You will feel blessed just by watching!

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