Rabbi Enkin presents an inside look at the Sabbatical year, when plowing, planting, pruning and harvesting are forbidden.
This week’s Torah portion is “Re’eh” (Deut.11:26–16:17) and in it we are told to observe “Shmita” – the restrictions of the Sabbatical year.
During the Sabbatical year, the Land of Israel must rest and lie fallow. Plowing, planting, pruning and harvesting are forbidden by Torah law.
This is not merely theoretical Scripture. It’s going to be real in about a month’s time! Yes, this coming year, with the arrival of Rosh Hashana, will be a Sabbatical year!
How will Israelis get fruits and vegetables during this year? How will farmers support themselves? How do we handle the “holy” produce of the Shmita year?
Join Rabbi Enkin for an inside look at this once-in-seven-year test of faith!