The US Supreme Court recently ruled that US Congress cannot force the president of the United States to make decisions that run contrary to his foreign policy. Unfortunately, part of the administration’s foreign policy today is that Jerusalem cannot be considered the capital of Israel. This is shameful and you can do something about it! Print out our passport insert declaring Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal capital, take a photo of yourself and post it on our Facebook page.

A US Supreme Court ruling earlier this month gave support to the Obama administration’s position on the status of Jerusalem, ruling that the US Congress cannot force the president to make decisions that contradict the administration’s foreign policy. This ruling strengthens the perception that Jerusalem is not a part of Israel.
For now, American citizens born in Jerusalem still cannot list Israel as their birthplace in their US passports.
This is an outrage! And you can do something about it!
Step 1 – Sign Up to Show Your Support!

Sign the Declaration to Keep Jerusalem United
Jerusalem Must Remain the United Capital of Israel
I declare that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish People and support all efforts to maintain and strengthen a united Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel.
See our Privacy Policy
Step 2 – Print the Image
Click on the following image, print it and cut around the dotted line.
Step 3 – Take a Selfie
Snap a selfie or have someone take a photo of you holding your passport together with the insert like you see below.
(Remember to leave the insert tucked into your passport for people to see when you travel.)
Step 4: – Share Your Photo
Share the photo on YOUR Facebook page and on the UWI page (with 3 million fans!) by clicking here.
Step 5: – Share this Page
Share this page by using the SHARE/TWEET/EMAIL buttons below or CLICK HERE to share on Facebook.
Step 6: – Share the Jerusalem Declaration