Recent headlines from major media outlets such as CNN, BBC, and Sky News have outrageously downplayed the brutal murder of twelve innocent children by Hezbollah’s missile attack on northern Israel.

On July 27, an Iranian-made rocket launched by the Hezbollah terror organization struck a soccer field in the Druze town of Majdal Shams, killing twelve children and injuring over forty more.

The media’s portrayal of this tragedy, including vague descriptions like “dead” rather than “killed,” is both misleading and deeply disrespectful.

The attack, which targeted children as they played, left sixteen of them hospitalized, with seven in serious condition.

Despite the gravity of this tragedy, CNN initially reported the attack with the headline “at least 10 dead,” only later correcting it to “killed” after criticism.

Sky News Hezbollah rocket attack

Sky News, described the attack with the headline “attack on a football pitch in the Israeli-occupied Golan” that “killed 11 people,” failing to mention the victims were children or that Hezbollah was responsible.

The BBC similarly referred to the victims as “dead” and described the Golan Heights as “occupied” without acknowledging that these were children who had been targeted but “young people.”

In contrast, BBC’s reporting on Gaza consistently uses “killed” to describe fatalities, reflecting a stark inconsistency in their coverage.


Such language downplays the horror of the attack and reflects a disturbing double standard.

The discrepancy in reporting reveals a troubling bias.

While casualties in Gaza are described as “killed,” the same language is not applied to Israeli victims. This selective reporting diminishes the tragedy’s impact and denies the victims the dignity they deserve.

It is essential that CNN, BBC, and SkyNews retract their misleading headlines and issue apologies.

The truth must be acknowledged, and the innocent lives lost in this brutal attack must be given the respect and recognition they deserve.

Act now and demand that these organizations correct their reporting and honor the memory of the victims properly.

Email these media outlets HERE

Sample email

Subject: Urgent: Request for Retraction and Apology for Misleading Coverage of Hezbollah Attack




I am writing to express my concern over your recent coverage of the Hezbollah missile attack on northern Israel. Your reporting, which included misleading terminology and downplayed the severity of this brutal attack.


This inconsistency, particularly in comparison to how similar incidents are reported in Gaza, reflects a troubling double standard.


I urge you to retract the misleading headlines and issue a formal apology. The victims, twelve innocent children, deserve accurate and respectful reporting.


[Your Name]