Dua Lipa

It’s time for this popular British singer to apologize for spreading vile lies about about the IDF to her 46.4 million Instagram followers.

British celebrity Dua Lipa reposted a vicious anti-Israel rant last Saturday, defaming the Israeli army with blood libel-like false accusations.

Lipa spread the lies to her 46.4 million followers on Instagram, poisoning her young fans’ minds with pure hatred for the Jewish state.

In the post in question, Lipa circulated her anti-Semitic friend Vin Arfuso’s absurd claims that “the big bad tough guys of the IDF thoroughly enjoy beating and shooting children. They even have shirts that depict a pregnant Palestinian woman with a sniper scope on her stomach that reads ‘1 shot two kills.’ But don’t worry, they’re all terrorist so it’s all good. We totally understand.”

Arfuso, an avowed Israel-hater, continued, “If wanting equality and justice is ‘anti-Semitic,’ then we all have way bigger problems.”

He also attacked Americans as “fake Christians in the mid west” [sic].

During the same week, Lipa’s significant other’s father, billionaire real estate tycoon Mohamed Anwar Hadid, shamelessly posted Palestinian propaganda comparing IDF soldiers to the Minneapolis police responsible for George Floyd’s death.

Hadid said he was sorry, but quickly scrubbed his apology from social media.

In response to Lipa’s slanderous post, 11,000 Israelis signed a petition demanding that Israeli Army Radio stop playing her songs.

The bottom line is she needs to set the record straight and apologize for spreading vicious lies about the Israeli military, the most moral army in the world. We cannot be silent. Let’s take action today!

Tell singer Dua Lipa to apologize and retract her lies about the IDF!

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