(AP/Keith Srakocic)
Presbyterian Church (USA) anti-Israel

Presbyterian Church USA passed a series of resolutions at its general assembly in support of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, while calling on Israel to leave Judea and Samaria. Protest against this misguided decision and tell them to stand with Israel instead!

Among the measures passed by the Presbyterian Church includes the approval of a report, in a 429-129 vote, that seeks to examine the two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and possible alternatives “including but not limited to that of two sovereign states—Israel and Palestine.” The report says that Israel’s “policy trajectory of continued settlements and brutal occupation” is “deeply troubling.”

“Not only does it make a two-state solution increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to achieve, but the emerging, de facto single state’s systematic violation of Palestinian rights and democratic values is eroding Israel’s moral legitimacy,” the report adds.

Additionally, the Presbyterian Church passed a resolution calling for “prayerful study” of both the church’s support for the BDS movement and opposition to that movement. A third resolution urged the real estate company RE/MAX to stop sales of property within Israeli settlements in the disputed territories. At its previous general assembly in 2014, the Presbyterian Church narrowly passed a resolution calling for divestment from companies doing business in Israel.

Protest to Presbyterian Church USA for siding with Israel’s enemies and supporting the BDS movement!

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Contact the Presbyterian Church USA and protest!

Write or call with a message of protest!

1. Click here to post on Presbyterian Church USA’s Facebook page.

2. Email Presbyterian Church USA at: info@pcusa.org

3. Call Presbyterian Church USA at: 1 800-728-7228. Click here for a full directory of staff and phone numbers.

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