EU Palestinians

The European Union (EU) announced it is labeling all Israeli products made in Judea and Samaria. This is a blatant anti-Israel move condemned by Israelis across the spectrum and must be stopped!

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In what Israelis across the political spectrum are calling a hypocritical move, the European Union has decided to label, and therefore help boycott, Israeli goods made in Judea and Samaria. Prime Minister Netanyahu slammed the EU, saying it should be ashamed of itself. Others have called the move hypocritical, a double-standard and blatant anti-Semitism.

Israel is being held to an impossible standard that the EU itself cannot maintain. The EU ignores over 200 other land disputes around the globe while focusing only on Israel. This is anti-Semitism.

The EU must be called out over its double-standard and encouraged to reverse this harmful and anti-Semitic decision. You can help!


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Tell the EU to Reverse its Anti-Semitic Decision

Email the European Union and protest:

EU High Rep. for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini: federica.mogherini@ec.europa.eu

EU Press Officer Alice Hobbs: alice.hobbs@ec.europa.eu

EU New York Office: delegation-new-york@eeas.europa.eu


Call the EU to protest:

EU New York Office: +1-212-292-8600


Protest on Facebook:

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Federica Mogherini: https://www.facebook.com/f.mogherini?fref=ts


Please fill out the form below and let us know what you’ve done to help!


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