With the help of the Israeli government — and a lot of kind, generous donors all over the world — Yad Ezra V’Shulamit will be distributing 50,000 food baskets and vouchers to Israel’s poor for the holidays.

Yesterday they were dropping their children off at school and checking in at work. Today, thousands of civilians are held hostage in their homes under unrelenting rocket fire. But they are not alone.

The Home Front Command, Yad Ezra V’Shulamit and volunteers joined together to deliver hundreds of Pesach food packages door to door and to elderly people who couldn’t come pick up a basket.

The government has worked hard to support those out of work as a result of this crisis. They have designated certain charities like Yad Ezra V’Shulamit as ‘emergency services’ to stay open and keep delivering food to the poor despite the country being in the lockdown.

Meir Panim’s High Holiday campaign hopes to restore dignity to the many Holocaust Survivors living in poverty.