United with Israel

Hamas Attacks Israel at Gaza Border, IDF Soldier Critically Wounded

Hamas rally at the end of Operation Defensive Shield, Aug. 27, 2014. (Photo: Flash90)

Hamas attacked IDF forces and civilians at the Gaza border on Wednesday. One soldier is in critical condition. Is another full-scale war on the horizon?

An IAF helicopter (Photo: IAF)

One of the most severe incidents since Operation Protective Edge occurred Wednesday when Palestinian snipers opened fire with machine guns on IDF forces and a number of Israelis working on the Gaza border fence.

A soldier, shot in the chest and critically wounded, was evacuated by helicopter to a hospital.

The IDF responded with tank and helicopter fire, and further forces were reportedly alerted to the scene.

Sources in Gaza report that at least one Palestinian was killed and three others injured.

Hamas identifies the dead man as Tiseer Samerey, commander of their observation unit.

Some reports claim that Hamas has ordered the evacuation of all its headquarters in anticipation of a pending Israeli retaliatory attack.

Israeli farmers working near the fence were ordered to abandon their fields for fear of further terror attacks.

Back to Pre-Summer Havoc?

This incident is the latest in a chain of events that threatens to send the area back into the pre-summer war havoc. Hamas is clearly taking an active role in escalating the violence.

The terror organization has been testing its rockets by firing them into the sea. They launched the two most recent rockets on Wednesday morning, just hours before their attack at the fence.

Hamas displays one of its rockets. (Photo: Emad Nassar/Flash90)

A rocket was fired from Gaza into Israel last Friday. The Israel Air Force (IAF) responded by attacking a Hamas terror target in the Gaza Strip Saturday night, the first such attack since Operation Protective Edge.

Hamas has been working diligently to rebuild its army and rehabilitate its terror infrastructure in preparation for a future confrontation with Israel.

“Israel was playing with fire and bears full responsibility for the repercussions. The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves,” according to a Hamas statement.

“The IDF will continue to respond in kind to any attempts to harm its forces and Israel’s citizens,” an IDF spokesman asserted. “Hamas is tasked with maintaining the quiet in Gaza.”

“Israel’s security takes precedence over everything,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asserted. “Hamas bears the responsibility for any escalation. We will safeguard Israel’s security.”

By: United with Israel Staff

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