(Avshalom Shoshani/Flash90)
coronavirus mask

Italy’s Foreign Ministry is asking Israeli authorities for clarification over why a comprehensive ban has been imposed on travel to that country, reports Israeli Kan public broadcasting.

By United with Israel Staff and TPS

Israel’s Health Ministry announced on Thursday that an Israeli who returned home from Italy on Sunday has contracted the coronavirus.

The individual is to be kept in quarantine at Sheba Medical Center near Tel Aviv.

The ministry released details of the flight on which the Israeli had traveled home: El Al 382, which landed at Ben Gurion International Airport on Sunday at 4:10 p.m.

Israelis returning from Italy will need to stay at home in isolation for about two weeks.

Following the rapid spread of the coronavirus around the world, the Israeli Ministry of Health has issued new guidelines to the public, along with a travel warning for Italy, where hundreds of cases of the virus have been recorded and several deaths have been caused by the epidemic.

The Ministry of Health stated that “the government has issued a comprehensive travel warning for Italy and in view of the spread of the disease there – we urge residents of Israel not to travel to Italy.”

Italy’s Foreign Ministry is asking Israeli authorities for clarification over why a comprehensive ban has been imposed on travel to that country, reports Israeli Kan public broadcasting.

As part of the guidelines, the Israeli Health Ministry is also calling on all Israelis to reconsider any trips abroad, in general.

The Ministry of Health’s assessment is that there is a high chance that coronavirus has spread in other regions of Europe and in many other parts of the world, and therefore, the Ministry of Health is urging the public to consider the need for travel anywhere abroad, beyond the obligation for a 14 -day quarantine for those returning from countries in Asia.

Meanwhile, an Israeli has recovered from coronavirus after being flown to Israel from Japan and placed under quarantine, Sheba reported Thursday.

The patient had become infected while onboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship and was infected with the virus during the quarantine period imposed by the Japanese government.

The patient has now tested negative for coronavirus and is expected to have fully recovered from the virus, but the hospital says that it will run additional checks to ensure the patient has truly beaten the virus.
