United with Israel

ISIS Handbook: Raising the Next Generation of Terrorists

The Children of ISIS. (Photo: MEMRI)

Target practice with toy guns is also recommended, although mothers should “make it very clear who their target should be, and who their target should not be.”

A handbook with guidelines on how to optimally raise a baby to become a Jihadist fighter was authored by an unknown Islamic source and warmly embraced and dispersed by the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) terror organization, the Daily Mail reports.

The handbook, titled “Sister’s Role in Jihad,” recommends to mothers that they show their young children jihadi websites – which often promote graphic violent content – read tales of jihad at bedtime and encourage sports such as darts to improve their aim.

It explains that women should start training children “while they are babies,” as waiting until they are toddlers “may be too late,” the Daily Mail reports. According to the guidelines, “Don’t underestimate the lasting effect of what those little ears and eyes take in during the first few years of life!”

Target practice with toy guns is also recommended, although mothers should “make it very clear who their target should be, and who their target should not be.”

Rearing a Damaged and Dangerous Generation

“As we move into 2015, al-Qaeda and its affiliates, ISIS and other jihadi groups worldwide continue to invest a lot of effort in indoctrination of the next generation of fighters,” Steven Stalinsky, executive director of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which exposed the handbook, told the Daily Mail.

“No matter what happens in Iraq and Syria in the near future, the next generation – the children of [Islamic State “caliph” Abu Bakr al-] Baghdadi and grandchildren of [Osama] bin Laden — have already been brainwashed to hate the West and to strive for jihad and martyrdom,” he said.

Planning for the future, ISIS preys on sick and orphaned children, indoctrinating them in its brutal ways in a bid for continuity by breeding a new generation of “holy warriors.”

Children held by ISIS not only train in military combat, but they also play an active role.

Videos depicting ISIS-trained youth – children as young five and six – show them answering questions from terrorists who make them repeat slogans, such as “The Islamic State is here to stay!” and to respond that they will “kill all the infidels,” including Americans, Europeans, and Russians, “because they killed Muslims.”

Maria Abi-Habib, reporting for the Wall Street Journal, interviewed child soldiers who escaped ISIS and told of the lessons they received in beheading.

“The enrollment of hundreds of boys in such militant training camps could trouble the Middle East for years to come,” Abi-Habib states.

By: Aryeh Savir
Staff Writer, United with Israel

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