(Nati Shohat/Flash90)
Rocket Gaza

Terrorists affiliated with the Islamic State (ISIS) fired a rocket at Israel from Gaza. Instead, it fell short and exploded in an open area in the Strip.

Terrorists in Gaza fired a rocket at Israel’s civilian population early Tuesday morning, just hours before some two million Israeli students began the new school year.

The rocket fell short of its target, exploded in an open space inside the Gaza Strip. Sirens went off in several communities in the Ashkelon region.

Yair Farjoun, head of the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council, announced that despite the attack, the school year will commence as scheduled. He also called on the Ministry of Defense to boost security for the southern residents.

An Islamic faction affiliated with the Islamic State (ISIS) terror organization operating out of Gaza claimed responsibility for the attack.

The past several months have seen a sharp increase in attacks from Gaza. Eight rockets were fired from the Hamas-ruled Strip since January, not including several more that fell short of their target.

The most recent attack occurred last Thursday, when terrorists fired a rocket, causing no injuries or damage. In response, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) attacked a Hamas munitions plant.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel