(Photo by Liron Moldovan/Flash90.)
Gan Yavne attack

The Palestinian terrorist was trained abroad and contacted ISIS representatives.

By Pesach Benson, TPS

Israeli authorities arrested a Palestinian man from eastern Jerusalem who sought to carry out terror attacks for the Islamic State (ISIS) terror group, it was cleared for publication on Thursday.

The suspect, 22, contacted ISIS representatives abroad and traveled to Turkey and unspecified African countries where he sought training and guidance in carrying out attacks, the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) and Israeli Police said in a joint statement.

Over the past few months, the police and Shin Bet have arrested a number of ISIS-supporting Palestinians planning to carry out terror attacks.

In April, indictments were filed against ISIS-supporting terrorists who planned to prepare explosives and explosive devices and shoot at a police station. The two teamed up with another terrorist who convinced them to travel abroad for training.

Authorities also foiled ISIS-inspired Palestinians in eastern Jerusalem who sought to produce explosive devices to attack Israelis in the Jerusalem area.